1. There is a basic structure and functional unit inside all the living organisms. This unit performs couple of activities inside to help the organism. It is the cell.
2. Exchange of various materials into the organism is a required task. It is an inevitable activity to exchange materials through the surfaces of an organism.
3. When the cell increases by quantity, the increased area is always less than the volume increased. It is not sufficient to exchange materials to perform vital activities. This results in a thing called cell division after the growth limit.
4. Multicellular organisms such as you and other animals originated because of cell division. It forms the tissues which is a collection of tiny cells.
5. Tissues of the organisms together forms organs and they form a system to the body.
6. Plant systems originated by combining couple of tissues. Xylem and Phloem system are 2 examples for that.
7. Animal systems are formed with multiple tissues as functional units. Eyes, Stomach, Nose, Tongue and skin are few examples for animal systems.
8. Every organism must perform the vital activities required to live, Organization of those vital activities known as the life.
9. Animals have systems formed by number of organs and they do various activities using these systems. Respiratory system, Immunity system and Digestive system are few examples.
10. Living organism is the combination of such body systems.
11. Reproduction and growth is for the existence of an organism. Energy required for these activities obtained through respiration.
12. In addition, raw materials are provided by nutrients from what they consume. Production of excretory substances with above activities is a usual process.
13. Excretory system is available for almost all the organisms due to the above fact.
14. Living organisms required to move and respond to external stimuli to perform the vital activities.
15. If the organism is bigger in size and higher in complexity of the systems, the intake amount of food increases. Therefore, the excretory substances too increase.
16. Diffusion of the materials is a better way for unicellular organisms, but not for multicellular organisms such as human.
17. Mass flow is the efficient method for exchanging materials in multicellular organisms. It occurs due to the pressure difference of the body parts.
18. Blood circulatory system, excretory system and respiratory system are few places where mass flow occurs.
19. If not for body systems, living organisms would not be able to perform their vital activities to become successful in the environment.
I’m sure I have missed over a billion facts about living organisms for this short list. Do you know another fact? Please comment it below while sharing these 19 facts about living organisms with your friends.
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