Biology is all about understanding and observing your environment in terms of Animals, Plants and Microorganisms. Scientists have found many natural processes which happen even now the moment you’re reading this post. Of course, there may be millions of discoveries left to discover, but now you’re going to learn about one such process which is really important for all the living beings!
That is the process of photosynthesis.
Probably, you may already know a thing or two about photosynthesis. If yes, then I’d say “No problem, Keep reading!”, because it is worthy to refresh your memory of this natural process.
Photosynthesis is an amazingly useful process that happens naturally and mainly in one group of the previously mentioned living beings. Yes! that group of living beings is our own green plants. If photosynthesis reaction stops for some reason, the earth you know would be free from life, the only thing will be left is small organisms such as bacteria.
However, if it’s stopped, then the life on earth will be dead and after several generations the world will start over again as it was happened in the past. Death of life is the worst result of losing photosynthesis reaction in the world, but there are other threats too.
That’s the reason you have to support the photosynthesis process.
Interesting Inception of Photosynthesis
Couple of theories were introduced by scientists about the beginning of life on earth. One of the most popular and publicly accepted theory is related to photosynthesis process.
Scientists who believe in this theory say that the life on earth was formed around 4.5 billion years ago. At that time there had high level of temperature with an atmosphere of simple molecules such as Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide and Water.
Oceans were the result of condensation of water due to gradual cooling of earth. Then the Amino Acids and other simple molecules were dissolved in this water to form the “Primitive Soup” – It is also known as Primordial Soup due to dissolution of those simple molecules in water.
Inside this primitive soup, chemosynthetic organisms were existed and life originated by these organisms. These chemosynthetic organisms produced the foods using the energy released by iron oxidation as shown below.
The Time was passed by another 12 million years with the evolution of a new complex molecule known as Chlorophyll. As you know chemosynthetic organisms were able to use energy comes from Iron Oxidation to produce food. Unlike that, this new molecule – Chlorophyll – got the ability of obtaining energy from sunlight which changed the above equation to something new.
Above chemical process is the Photosynthesis.
Importance of Photosynthesis
I said the Photosynthesis is a very important process at multiple times above because it does actually. Probably, you figured out the meaty importance already.
It all started by the microorganisms called chemosynthetic bacteria due to the ability of producing their own foods. These are unicellular organisms which mean they have only 1 cell. Even today you can find unicellular organisms such as chemosynthetic bacteria which have been living over the last 27 million years.
Later unicellular photosyntheic organisms were evolved to become multicellular organisms. And they could have been changed into trees on land as well as plants in the oceans that you see today in your garden too. This explains the importance of photosynthesis and the adaptation of the environment to this process.
How It Helps The Earth,
If you know how to read the story behind the above photosynthesis equation, then you already know the benefits of this process. Food production is the main thing and in addition to that, Oxygen gas is released as a byproduct of this chemical reaction.
According to the above theory of the origin of life, earth didn’t had the environmental state required to form the life. After the beginning of photosynthesis, it created that environment required to form the living organisms by creating Oxygen filled atmosphere. Oxygen helped living organisms to have an efficient aerobic respiration.
Sun’s rays were the other threat to form life on earth and it was solved by that same Oxygen atmosphere. All the higher level oxygen molecules rose to create the protection layer known as Ozone. Ozone layer is a one reason for the blue color of the sky.
Sun’s Ultra Violet rays can be destructive, but due to the presence of Ozone layer that is not a threat for the living beings.
Even you inhale Oxygen, you exhale the Carbon Dioxide which is a green house gas and a required raw material for this process. Finally, all these things provide a friendly environment for the life on earth.
What’s your favorite food? It may be a meat or plant food, however the first stage of any food chain is a green plant which is the producer of foods. Chlorophyll is a necessary factor for photosynthesis and these are presented in almost every green plant. That’s how green plants take the #1 while producing foods for me, you and all other animals.
Being a human lets you control many things in your environment, but remember humans – who have the ability of controlling the environment – also originated because of photosynthesis. If it didn’t happen, you don’t have the chance of reading this post today! 😉
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