This is the Part #2 of our Biology MCQs section. As the first part there are 40 questions for you to answer. And don’t forget to check if your answers are correct once at the end of the page.
1. Organisms made up of a mycelium of thread like hypae are,
- Virus
- Algae
- Fungus
- Bacteria
2. The tissues that transform products of photosynthesis to the roots of a plant consist of,
- Fibers and stone cells
- Parenchyma
- Sieve tubes and companion cells
- Tracheids and vessels
3. Paddy plant is classified under,
- Monocotyledons
- Gymnosperms
- Liverwort
- Dicotyledons
4. The process which is not involved in inspiration of air is,
- Movement of rib cage and sternum outwards
- Relaxation of diaphragm curving upwards
- Contraction of intercostal muscles
- Expansion of chest cavity
5. A substance which is found in the blood plasma that is not in lymph,
- Glucose
- Water
- Plasma protein
- Minerals
6. Photosynthesis will not take place in one of the following,
- Palisade cells
- Spongy mesophyll
- Guard cells
- Epidermal cells
7. The mineral rocks used in fertilizer industry are,
- Calcite and Graphite
- Ilmenite and Rutile
- Monocite and Calcite
- Apatite and Dolomite
8. The area of the eye that gives clear vision due to the presence of rods is,
- Blind spot
- Yellow spot
- Pupil
- Optic nerve
9. The function of the cerebellum of the brain is,
- Controlling the respiratory center
- Controlling higher mental activities
- Controlling the sense organs
- Controlling the coordination of muscular movements
10. Which one of the following is a tactic seen in certain plants?
- The shoot growing search of light
- Leaves of certain plants closing up towards evening
- The root growing towards gravity
- Pollen take growing towards ovary
11. Homeostasis is,
- The ability to control a diabetic condition
- The functioning of the sensory organs of the body
- The ability to maintain a constant internal environment
- The functioning of non nervous coordination
12. The factor that is not important at the stage of germination of a seed is,
- Water
- Sunlight
- Air
- Viability of seeds
13. What is not considered as an advantage of vegetative reproduction?
- Growing plants to be very tall
- Getting fruits in a short time
- Production of new varieties of plants
- Propagation of seedless varieties of plants
14. Fertilization of an ovum in the human body takes place in,
- The Ovaries
- The Fallopian tube
- The Placenta
- The Womb
15. Microorganisms are used in most biotechnological techniques to produce substances for human welfare because,
- Some are photosynthetic
- Some are pathogenic
- Some of them easily adapt to new surroundings
- They reproduce fast and carry out vital activities increasing their numbers
16. A structure that could be seen in a plant cell, but not in an animal cell is,
- Mitochondria
- Cytoplasm
- Cell wall
- Plasma membrane
17. Another morphological feature that could be seen in a plant that bears leaves with reticular venation is,
- Presence of a tap root system
- Presence of seeds with only 1 cotyledon
- Presence of flowers with trimerous arrangement
- Presence of an unbranched stem
18. An ailing condition that may occur due to breathing of polluted air is,
- Hepatitis
- Gastritis
- Nephritis
- Bronchitis
19. Enzymes that function well in an acidic medium are,
- Pepsin & Renin
- Amylase & Trypsin
- Amylase & Lipase
- Pepsin & Amylase
20. Which of the following acts of man contributes most to the biodiversity damage?
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Hunting beyond need
- Use of inesticides
- Destruction of habitat
21. A type of non granular white blood corpuscle contained in a blood of a healthy grown up man is,
- Monocytes
- Eosinophils
- Nutrophils
- Basophils
22. Which of the following is an amphibian?
- Otter
- Frog
- Tortoise
- Water snake
23. Dendrons of the motor neurones are present in the,
- Sensory organs
- Spinal nerves
- Central nervous system
- Effector organs
24. Which of the following processes is causative to the reduction of the nitrogen content in the soil of a paddy field?
- Removal of harvest
- Addition of post-harvest removals to the soil
- Nitrification
- Application of chemical fertilizers
25. When a plant leaf is tested for starch, it is first boiled in water and then boiled in alcohol too. The reason for this is that,
- Purple color is distinctly seen in the iodine test, as starch gets dissolved in the alcohol
- Alcohol is needed to give a purple color with iodine in the test for starch
- After boiling, the chlorophyll gets dissolved in the alcohol and is removed from the leaf
- Cell die off with the boiling and alcohol enters easily into the leaf
26. A characteristic common to both cardiac muscles and smooth muscles is,
- Being non striated
- Becoming tried soon
- Being striated
- Being involuntary
27. Which of the following situations may give rise to the unfavorable results such as melting of ice in the polar regions of the earth, expansion of sea water and change of climate patterns?
- Acid rains
- Lightning
- Green house effect
- Depletion of ozone layer
28. A phenomenon which is not causative of changing the rock of type A to rock of type B at the surface of the earth is,
- Growing of plant roots within the crevices made by the cracks on the rocks
- The collision of particles of sand, brought by fast-blowing winds, against rocks
- Being subjected to the cold and hot weather conditions
- Being exposed to the ultraviolet rays that reach the earth due to the depletion of the ozone layer.
29. Certain manufacturers of powdered milk have been motivated to add the chemical known as “Melamine” to milk powder to exhibit a high protein content in it and to increase the dry weight of it. Which organ gets badly affected by the consumption of this milk food?
- Kidney
- Brain
- Liver
- Heart
30. An occurrence that causes the minimum influence on environmental pollution is,
- Polythene while remaining within the soil make obstructions to the growth of plants
- Over flowing of drains even during a slight rain due to the blocking of the drains by garbage
- Increase of the population of crows that depend on garbage
- Polythene that enters into the bodies of animals mixed with food interferes with body activities of animals
31. Another feature tat can be seen in an organism having a soft unsegmented body, covered by a calcium carbonate shells is,
- Living only on land
- Presence of jointed limbs
- Presence of a muscular foot
- Presence of suckers at the two ends of the body
32. Seeds that are dispersed by water, wind and animals are respectively,
- Indian almond, Drumstick, Cashew
- Water Lily, Apala, Cotton
- Calotropis, Archid, Love grass
- Coconut, Rubber, Mango
33. Which feature given below differentiates algae from fungi?
- Ability to photosynthesis
- Presence of well organized nuclei
- Production of spores for reproduction
- Presence of a thallus like body
34. A type of multinuclear cell is the,
- Smooth muscle cell
- Skeletal muscle cell
- Epithelial cell
- White blood cell
35. Select the response that gives the correct scientific name of the shoe flower plant.
- Hibiscus Rosasinensis
- Hibiscus rosasinensis
- Hibiscus Rosasinensis
36. Which one of the following factors essential for photosynthesis, cannot be tested experimentally in the laboratory by a student studying about photosynthesis
- Water
- Light
- Chlorophyll
- Carbon dioxide
37. Urea and uric acid which are the main nitrogenous excretory products of man are produced in the,
- Liver
- Kidney
- Pancreas
- Nephrons
38. An ailing condition cased by a sex linked recessive gene is,
- Haemophilia
- Thalassaemia
- Sickle cell anemia
- Allelism
39. A group of animals with long horns living in a jungle with thorny shrubs, could not run fast, as a result which they became prey to predators and gradually got destroyed. This reflects,
- Over production
- Survival of the fittest
- Selection
- Struggle for existence
40. The depletion of the ozone layer could be regarded as an unfavorable result of the changes in the balance of the natural environment caused by human activities. An adverse effect directly experienced by man due to this is,
- Rising of the sea level
- Falling prey to respiratory diseases
- Global warming
- Falling prey to skin cancers